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"Infrared Diffraction-Free Space-Time Light Sheets"
Murat Yessenov, Qitian Ru, Kenneth L. Schepler, Monjurul Meem, Rajesh Menon, Konstantin L. Vodopyanov, Ayman F. Abouraddy
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO): Science and Innovations, SM3E.4
"Broadband space-time wave packets propagating 70 meters in free space"
B. Bhaduri, M. Yessenov, D. Reyes, M. Meem, S. Rostami-Fairchild, M.C. Richardson, R. Menon, and A.F. Abouraddy
SPIE Photonics West
"Diagnostics and design parameters for kW-class Yb fiber lasers (Conference Presentation)"
J. Cook, A. Sincore, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, S. Gausmann, A. Schülzgen, R. Amezcua-Correa, and M.C. Richardson
SPIE Photonics West, Fiber Lasers XVI: Technology and Systems, 10897-40
"High hamonics vortex beams"
F. Sanson, A. Kumar Pandey, F. Harms, G. Dovillaire, E. Baynard, J. Demailly, O. Guilbaud, B. Lucas, O. Neve, M. Pittman, D. Ros, M.C. Richardson, M. Johnson, W. Li, P. Balcou, and S. Kazamias
SPIE Photonics West
"Initial high-intensity laser propagation experiments at the mobile ultrafast high-energy laser facility (MU-HELF) "
D. Thul, R. Bernath, N. Bodnar, H. Kerrigan, D. Reyes, J. Peña, P. Roumayah, S. Rostami-Fairchild, and M.C. Richardson
SPIE Photonics West
"Single frequency widely tunable high power thulium fiber laser"
P. Roumayah, J. Cook, D.J. Shin, A. Sincore, J. Thompson, and M.C. Richardson
SPIE Photonics West
"System design for a >1 kW in-band pumped thulium-doped fiber amplifier"
A. Sincore, J. Cook, D.J. Shin, P. Roumayah, N. Bodnar, and M.C. Richardson
SPIE Photonics West
"700 µJ, 100 ns, 20 kHz pulses from a 1.5 m Thulium-doped fiber amplifier"
A. Abdulfattah, A. Sincore, J. Bradford, N. Bodnar, J. Cook, L. Shah, and M.C. Richardson
SPIE Conference on Defense and Commercial Laser Technologies, Technology for Defense and Security
"Applications of 2-micron Tm:fiber lasers in surface processing"
I. Mingareev, A. Abdulfattah, M. Kang, K.A. Richardson, and M.C. Richardson
ICALEO, Orlando, FL, paper M311
"Current progress on high power Yb:fiber amplifiers"
J. Cook, J. Bradford, J. Antonio-Lopez, L. Shah, R. Amezcua-Correa, and M.C. Richardson
DEPS Annual Symposium Directed Energy Science and Technology, Oxnard, CA
"Diamond Raman Lasers – a new paradigm for multi-kW lasers"
M.C. Richardson and R. Mildren
DEPS Annual Symposium Directed Energy Science and Technology, Oxnard, CA
"Energy exchange between filaments in ultrashort pulse laser propagation"
D. Reyes, H. Kerrigan, D. Kepler, D. Thul, S. Rostami-Fairchild and M.C. Richardson
DEPS Annual Symposium Directed Energy Science and Technology, Oxnard, CA
"Enhanced filament ablation"
H. Kerrigan, D. Reyes, D. Thul, M. Weidman, M. Baudelet, S. Rostami-Fairchild, and M.C. Richardson
DEPS Annual Symposium Directed Energy Science and Technology, Oxnard, CA
"High energy laser testing at TISTEF"
R. Bernath, P. Roumayah, N. Bodnar, D. Thul, J. Cook, A. Sincore, D. Shin, R. Crabbs, and M.C. Richardson
DEPS Annual Symposium Directed Energy Science and Technology, Oxnard, CA
"Influence of temperature on nanosecond pulse amplification in thulium doped fiber lasers"
A.Abdulfattah, S. Gausmann, A. Sincore, J. Bradford, N. Bodnar, J. Cook, L. Shah, and M.C. Richardson
IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series
"Mobile terawatt laser propagation facility"
M.C. Richardson, R. Bernath, L. Shah, P. Roumayah, N. Bodnar, D. Thul, S. Rostami-Fairchild, and D. Maukonen
DEPS Annual Symposium Directed Energy Science and Technology, Oxnard, CA
"Non-destructive characterization of 3D-printed turbine components featuring engineered porosity"
I. Mingareev, L. Calderon, M.C. Richardson, and J. Kapat
27th ASNT Research Symposium, Orlando FL
"Progress on high-power Yb, Tm and Raman fiber lasers"
P. Roumayah, A. Sincore, J. Cook, J. Bradford, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, S. Gausmann, D.J. Shin, A. Abdulfattah, L. Shah, A. Schülzgen, R. Amezcua Correa, and M.C. Richardson
Laser Technology for Defense and Security XIV, 1063702
"Random quasi-phase-matching on a nanophotonic heterogeneous silicon chip"
A. Rao, T. Sjaardema, G. Camacho-Gonzalez, A. Honardoost, M. Malinowski, K. L. Schepler, and S. Fathpour
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (OSA CLEO 2018), San Jose, CA, May 2018.
"Ultrafast diagnostics of augmented filament ablation"
H. Kerrigan, S.R. Fairchild, M.C. Richardson
32nd Int. Congr. High Speed, Imaging & Photonics, Twente, Netherlands
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