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"Beam propagation of Gaussian and annular beams at 2 um in presence of thermal lensing"
A. Sincore, J. Cook, W. Li, E. Johnson, J. Bradford, L. Shah, and M.C. Richardson
CLEO, San Jose, CA, June, paper JTh2A.77
"Characterization of LAM-fabricated porous superalloys for turbine components"
B. Ealy, L. Calderon, W. Wang, R. Valentin, I. Mingareev, M.C. Richardson, and J. Kapat
ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, paper GT2016-58080
"Comparison of in-band pumped Tm:fiber and Ho:fiber"
A. Sincore, L. Shah, V. Smirnov, and M.C. Richardson
SPIE 9728, Fiber Lasers XIII: Technology, Systems, and Applications, 97280S
"Hybridized fabrication of robust low-loss multimaterial chalcogenide fibers for infrared applications"
S. Shabahang, F. Tan, J. Perlstein, G. Tao, M. Algarni, Y. Bai, O. Alvarez, G. Tsvid, C.K.N. Patel; F. Chenard, K.L. Schepler, and A.F. Abouraddy
CLEO, San Jose, CA, June, paper JF1K.3
"Integrated pulse stretchers for high-energy CPA and OPCPA systems"
L. Shah, N. Bodnar, P. Roumayah, B. Webb, J. Bradford, and M.C. Richardson
SPIE 9730, Components and Packaging for Laser Systems II, 97300V
"Laser induced filamentation propagation through adverse conditions"
C.H. Jeon, J. Lane, S. Rostami, L. Shah, M. Baudelet, and M.C. Richardson
OSA: Propagation Through and Characterization of Atmospheric and Oceanic Phenomena, paper Tu2A.3
"Multi-octave mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in robust chalcogenide nanowires using a thulium fiber laser"
S. Shabahang, A. Sims, G. Tao, L. Shah, M.C. Richardson, and A.F. Abouraddy
OSA Photonics and Fiber Technology Congress, Sydney, Australia, 5 - 8 September
"Nonlinear frequency generation and conversion: materials, devices, and applications XV"
Konstantin L. Vodopyanov, Kenneth L. Schepler (Editors)
SPIE Conference Volume, Proc. SPIE 9731, 2016
"145 W, 3 kHz picosecond amplifier for OPCPA pumping"
N. Bodnar, B. Webb, M. Chini, L. Shah, M.C. Richardson
"Analysis and modeling of a high-power side diode pumped solid state laser"
T. Kasef, A.M. Moktar, S.S.A. Ghoniemy, L. Shah, M.C. Richardson
SPIE 9466, Laser Technology for Defense and Security XI, 9466-32
"Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications XIV
Konstantin Vodopyanov, Kenneth Schepler (editors)
SPIE Conference Volume, Proc. SPIE 9347, 2014
"Polarized picosecond pulses amplification in a Tm-doped large mode-area photonic crystal fiber amplifier"
M. Wysmolek, A.M. Sincore, R. Ryan, A. Abdulfattah, L. Shah, H, Sayinc, J. Neumann, S. Lamri, M.C. Richardson, U. Morgner, D. Kract
SPIE 9344-60
"Resonantly pumped amplification in a thulium-doped large mode area photonic crystal fiber"
A. Sincore, L. Shah, M.C. Richardson
"Resonantly pumped amplification in a Tm-doped large mode-area photonic crystal fiber"
A.M. Sincore, L. Shah, M. Wysmolek, R. Ryan, A. Abdulfattah, M.C. Richardson
SPIE 9344-62
"Resonantly pumped amplification in a Tm-doped large mode-area photonic crystal fiber "
A. Sincore, L. Shah, M. Wysmolek, R. Ryan, A. Abdulfattah, M.C. Richardson
SPIE 9344, Fiber Lasers XII: Technology, Systems, and Applications, 93441R
"Study of mechanisms of high-aspect-ratio groove formation in silicon utilizing ultrafast laser radiation"
I. Mingareev, T. Tetz, C. Fornaroli, A. Gillner, M.C. Richardson
ICALEO, Atlanta, Georgia, M201
"Trans-wafer removal of metallization using a nanosecond Tm:fiber laser"
I. Mingareev, S. Berger, T. Tetz, A. Abdulfattah, A.M. Sincore, L. Shah, M.C. Richardson
SPIE 9350, Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XX, 9350-10
"Compact 10 TW laser to generate multi-filament arrays"
Benjamin Webb, Joshua Bradford, Khan Lim, Nathan Bodnar, Andreas Vaupel, Erik McKee, Matthieu Baudelet, Magali M Durand, Lawrence Shah, Martin Richardson
Frontiers in Optics 2014, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2014), paper SM1F.6 (2014)
"Filament Interaction with Micro-Water Droplets"
Cheonha Jeon, Magali M Durand, Matthieu Baudelet, Martin Richardson
CLEO: Science and Innovations, STh4B.6
"Helical filaments"
Nicholas Barbieri, Zahra Hosseinimakarem, Khan Lim, Magali Durand, Benjamin Webb, Joshua Bradford, Erik McKee, Nathan Bodnar, Lawrence Shah, Matthieu Baudelet, Eric Johnson, Martin Richardson
CLEO: Science and Innovations, FTu3D.6 (2014)