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"Dramatic enhancement of supercontinuum generation in elliptically-polarized laser filaments"
S. Rostami, M. Chini, K. Lim, J.P. Palastro, M. Durand, J.C. Diels, L. Arissian, M. Baudelet, and M.C. Richardson
Scientific Reports 6, 20363
"Fabrication of computer-generated holograms using femtosecond laser direct writing"
R. Berlich, D. Richter, M.C. Richardson, and S. Nolte
Optics Letters, 41(8), pp.1752-1755
"Principles and applications of trans-wafer processing using a 2-µm thulium fiber laser"
I. Mingareev, N. Gehlich, T. Bonhoff, A. Abdulfattah, A.M. Sincore, P. Kadwani, L. Shah, and M.C. Richardson
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing, 84 (9-12), pp.2567-2578
"Angular dependence of filament-induced plasma emission from a GaAs surface "
M. Weidman, M. Ramme, B. Bousquet, K. Lim, M. Durand, M. Baudelet, M.C. Richardson
Optics Letters 40(19), pp.4548-4551
"Comparative study of light propagation and single-mode operation in large-mode area fibers designed for 2 m laser applications"
C. Jollivet, B. Samson, L. Leick, L. Shah, M.C. Richardson, A. Schülzgen
Optical Engineering, 54(1), pp.011006
"Evaluating study of ultrafast laser-assisted cleaning of historical textiles conservation"
H.E. Ahmed, A.A. El-Ebissy, I. Mingareev, M.C. Richardson
Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 9(2)
"High-power spectral beam combining of linearly polarized Tm:fiber lasers"
L. Shah, R.A. Sims, P. Kadwani, C.C.C. Willis, J.B. Bradford, A. Sincore, M.C. Richardson
Applied Optics 54(4), pp.757-762
"Interaction of a single laser filament with a single aerosol"
C. Jeon, D. Harper, K. Lim, M. Durand, M. Baudelet, M.C. Richardson
Journal of Optics, 17, pp.055502
"Rapid thermo-optical quality assessment of laser gain media"
C.C.C. Willis, J.D. Bradford, J. Haussermann, E. McKee, E. Maddox, L. Shah, R. Gaume, M.C. Richardson
Optical Materials Express 5(6), pp.1389-1398
"Comparison between geometrically focused pulses versus filaments in femtosecond laser ablation of steel and titanium alloys"
A Valenzuela, C Munson, A Porwitzky, M Weidman, and M Richardson
Applied Physics B-Lasers And Optics 116(2), pp. 485-491
"Concepts, performance review, and prospects of table-top, few-cycle optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification"
A. Vaupel, N. Bodnar, B. Webb, L. Shah, M. Richardson
Optical Engineering 53(5), pp. 051507
"Helical filaments"
Nicholas Barbieri, Zahra Hosseinimakarem, Khan Lim, Magali Durand, Matthieu Baudelet, Eric Johnson, and Martin Richardson
Applied Physics Letters 104(26), pp. 261109
"High peak-power mid-infrared ZnGeP2 optical parametric oscillator pumped by a Tm:fiber master oscillator power amplifier system"
M. Gebhardt, C. Gaida, P. Kadwani, A. Sincore, N. Gerlich, C. Jeon, L. Shah, M. Richardson
Optics Letters 39(5), pp. 1212-1215
"Spatiotemporal cleaning of a femtosecond laser pulse through interaction with counterpropagating filaments in air"
A. Jarnac, M. Durand, A. Houard, Y. Liu, B. Prade, M. Richardson, and A. Mysyrowicz
Physical Review A 89, 022844
"Study of filamentation threshold in Zinc Selenide"
M. Durand, A. Houard, K. Lim, A. Durécu, O. Vasseur, and M. Richardson
Optics Express 22, pp. 5852-5858
"Studying the effect of zeolite inclusion in aluminum alloy on measurement of its surface hardness using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy technique"
O. Khalil, I. Mingareev, T. Bonhoff, A.F. El-Sherif, M.C. Richardson, M.A. Harith
Optical Engineering, 53(1), pp. 014106
"Transition from linear- to nonlinear-focusing regime in filamentation"
Khan Lim, Magali Durand, Matthieu Baudelet, Martin Richardson
Scientific Reports 4, pp. 7217
"Chirped pulse amplification in single mode Tm:fiber using a chirped Bragg grating"
R. Andrew Sims, Pankaj Kadwani, Heike Ebendorff-Heideprem, Lawrence Shah, Tanya M. Monro, and Martin Richardson
Applied Physics B-Lasers And Optics 111(2), pp.299-304
"Femtosecond laser post-processing of metal parts produced by laser additive manufacturing"
Ilya Mingareev, Tobias Bonhoff, Ashraf F. El-Sherif, Wilhelm Meiners, Ingomar Kelbassa, Tim Biermann, and Martin Richardson
Journal Of Laser Applications 25(5)
"Hybrid master oscillator power amplifier system providing 10 mJ, 32 W, and 50 MW pulses for optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification pumping"
Andreas Vaupel, Nathan Bodnar, Benjamin Webb, Lawrence Shah, Michaël Hemmer, Eric Cormier, and Martin Richardson
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 30, 12