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"“Directed Energy R&D Programs at UCF”"
M. Richardson, R. Bernath, N. Bodnar, J. Cook, H. Kerrigan, M. Masnavi, J. Peña and D. Reyes.
Brief given to NUWC, August 2nd 2023
"“HEL Damage Testing at UCF – Involving Graduate Students “,"
H. Kerrigan, N. Vail, Z. Gannon, M. Siver, S. Sarang, and M. Richardson, Invited Talk
Invited Talk at 2023 HEL Optics Metrology Workshop, university of Alabama, Huntsville, October 5th, 2023,
"Challenges associated with directed energy and beam projection systems"
M.C. Richardson
IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense (RAPID) Conference, San Destin, FL
"High resolution space/time imaging of shockwaves generated by remote laser plasmas produced by light filaments"
R. Bernath, H. Kerrigan, S. Rostami-Fairchild, and M.C. Richardson
IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense (RAPID) Conference, San Destin, FL
"New science and technologies in the infrared"
M.C. Richardson
North American Summer School on Photonic Materials, University of Laval, Quebec, Canada
"The development of high-energy lasers: getting serious"
M.C. Richardson
University of Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics
"Augmented Filament Ablation"
H. Kerrigan, S. Rostami Fairchild, and M.C. Richardson
32ND International Congress on High Speed Imaging & Photonics, Twente, Netherlands
"Lasers and the birth of Photonics – a perspective on their future"
M.C. Richardson
Optics Valley China, Expo, Wuhan
"Glass and ceramics challenges for te next generation of high power lasers"
M.C. Richardson
Laboratoire SPCTS/ XLIM - UMR 7315 CNRS, Université de Limoges - Centre Europ. de la Céramique
"High energy lasers – impact today, innovation tomorrow"
M.C. Richardson
CREOL Affiliates Day
"Laser induced glass-ceramics for GRIN applications"
L. Sisken, M. Melvin, I. Mingareev, M.C. Richardson, C. Rivero-Baleine, and K.A. Richardson
MGM symposium, Rutgers University, Department of Materials Science
"Les lasers et la photonique - aujourd’hui et demain"
M.C. Richardson
Leçon inaugurale du Pr Martin Richardson Titulaire de la Chaire Fulbright-Tocqueville (2016-2017) Lundi University of Bordaeux, Talence, France
"New Science and Technologies in the Infrared"
M.C. Richardson, K. Schepler, A. Sincore. Shah, K.A. Richardson, I. Mingareev Q. J. Wang, A. Abdolvand, Y.S. Woo, and D.Y. Tang
CLEO-PR, Singapore
"Quelques réflexions et idées sur le choix de votre carrière après l'école doctoral"
M.C. Richardson
SPI Doctorale Day
"Using vortex optics with high intensity laser beams"
M.C. Richardson, N. Barbieri, K Lim, C.H Jeon, M. Weidman, D. Thul, M. Durand, S. Rostrami-Fairchild, R. Bernath, M. Baudelet, W. Li, and E. Johnson
University of Bordeaux - CELIA
"Utilizing non-Gaussian beams to tailor laser propagation"
L. Shah, N. Barbieri, K. Lim, D. Thul, A. Sincore, M. Baudelet, S. Rostami, M.C. Richardson, W. Li, and E. Johnson
SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, Solid State Lasers XXVI: Technology and Devices, 10082-5
"Glass and ceramic challenges for the next generation of high power lasers"
M.C. Richardson
Keynote Address, CerSJ-GOMD Joint Symposium on Glass Science and Technologies, Kyoto, Japan, November
"High power lasers and their applications"
M.C. Richardson
Seminer, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, December
"New paradigms in laser-based remote sensing"
M.C. Richardson
Andrew Main Lecture, D.B. Robinson Distinguished Speaker Series 2016-2017, Chemical and Materials Engineering at University of Alberta, Edmonton., October 27
"Picosecond Streak-Imaging in Laser Research - from the past to the future"
Mikhail Ya. Schelev, and M.C. Richardson
A eulogy for Mischa Schelev who died Sept 5, 2017, 31st International Congress on High-speed Imaging and Photonics, Osaka, Japan November