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"Elemental Analysis on Ceramic and Soil Samples Using Microwave-Assisted Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy"
Y. Liu, M. Baudelet, and M.C. Richardson
LIBS, Memphis, TN, September 16
"Far-UV LIBS for Biological and Organic Samples"
Khan Lim, Matthieu Baudelet, Jason Eichenholz, Martin Richardson
LIBS 2010 (Memphis, TN, USA, 2010) 16 September 2010
"Femtosecond Laser Written Embedded Diffractive Optical Elements And Their Applications"
J.Y. Choi, M. Ramme, T. Anderson, and M.C. Richardson
Photonics West LASE, San Francisco, CA, January 26
"Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy"
Danielle Simmons, Nathan Bodnar, Matthieu Baudelet, and Martin Richardson
SYMPOSIUM ON UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH, Division of Laser Science of A.P.S - LS XXVI - Rochester, NY, 25 October 2010
"High Performances in Continuous-Wave and Q-Switch Operation of a Narrow Linewidth Nd:YVO4 Oscillator Using a Volume Bragg Grating"
M. Hemmer, and M.C. Richardson
Advanced Solid-State Photonics Topical Meeting, OSA, San Diego, CA, January 31-February 3
"High power thulium fiber lasers"
Lawrence Shah, Timothy McComb , Robert Sims, Christina Willis, Pankaj Kadwani, Vikas Sudesh , Martin Richardson
High Power Laser Ablation, AIP (Santa Fe, NM, USA) 2010
"High Power, Quasi-Single Cycle Phase-Correlated Laser System for EUV And Attoscience Studies"
M. Hemmer, A. Vaupel, and M.C. Richardson
International Symposium on Ultra-fast Phenomena and Terahertz Waves, Xi'an, China, September 12-16 (Invited)
"High Repetition-Rate, Narrow Linewidth And Spatially Controlled Operation Of A Q-Switched Nd:YVO4 Laser"
M. Hemmer, and M.C. Richardson
SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing (Orlando, FL, USA, 2009), April
"High-Energy Q-switch Tm3+-doped polarization maintaining silica fiber laser"
Christina C. C. Willis, Lawrence Shah, Matthieu Baudelet, Pankaj Kadwani, Timothy S. McComb, R. Andrew Sims, Vikas Sudesh, Martin Richardson
Photonics West LASE, San Francisco, CA
"High-Energy Q-Switched Tm3+-Doped Polarization Maintaining Silica Fiber Laser"
L. Shah, C. Willis, T.S. McComb , R.A. Sims, V. Sudesh , and M.C. Richardson
Photonics West LASE, San Francisco, CA, January 25
"High-Power Tunable Thulium Fiber Laser With Volume Bragg Grating Spectral Control"
T.S. McComb , L. Shah, R. A. Sims, V. Sudesh , and M.C. Richardson
Photonics West LASE, San Francisco, CA, January 27
"Intense RF Emission from Filament Interaction"
Martin Richardson, Robert Bernath, Nicholas Barbieri, and Jason Aspiosis
2010 DEPS Ultrashort Pulse Laser Workshop, June 13-16
"Laser Induced Ag Nano-Clusters in Glass"
Amanda Webb, Jiyeon Choi, Mark Ramme, and Martin Richardson
SYMPOSIUM ON UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH, Division of Laser Science of A.P.S - LS XXVI , Rochester, NY, 25 October 2010
"Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Organic Materials with a Mid-IR Thulium-fiber-laser Nanosecond Pulse at 2 µm"
M. Baudelet, L.Shah, and M.C. Richardson
Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Orlando, FL, March 2
"LIBS of Biological Materials With A Compact Femtosecond System"
K. Lim, Y. Liu, M. Baudelet, E. Slobodtchikov, P. Moulton, A. Miziolek, and M.C. Richardson
LIBS, Memphis, TN, September 15
"Localized high power RF generation at large Distances using self-channeled laser beams"
Martin Richardson
National Consortium for MASINT Research (NCMR) Spring Technical Review, March 30 – April 2, 2010, Maui, HI
"Micro-processing of semiconductors using ultrafast laser radiation at 2 µm wavelength"
Mark Ramme, Jiyeon Choi, Martin Richardson, Ilya Mingareev, Martin Hermans, and Jens Gottmann
11th International Symposium on Laser Precision Manufacturing, (LPM 2010), Stuttgart, Germany June 7-10, 2010
"Microwave-Assisted Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy For Trace Detection In Soil And Food"
Y. Liu, M. Baudelet, and M.C. Richardson
SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing (Orlando, FL, USA, 2009), April 6
"Microwave-Assisted LIBS: Extending the Laser Induced Plasma Lifetime for Trace Detection"
Y. Liu, M. Baudelet and M.C. Richardson
Pacifichem, Honolulu, HI, December 15-20
"Microwave-Assisted LIBS: Towards a New Tool for Trace Element Detection and Molecular Plasma Spectrochemistry"
M. Baudelet,Y. Liu, and M.C. Richardson
Laser Application to Chemical Security and Environmental Analysis, OSA, San Diego, CA, February 3
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