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"Hole-Assisted Few-Mode Multi-Core Fiber for High-Density Space-Division Multiplexing"
C. Xia, R. Amezcua-Correa, N. Bai, E. Antonio-Lopez, D. May-Arriojo, A. Schülzgen, M. Richardson, J. Linares, C. Montero, E. Mateo, X. Zhou, and G. Li
IEEE Summer Topicals 2012, paper: TuC4.2, Seattle (USA)
"Integrated 100 W thulium fiber MOPA system"
L. Shah, R.A. Sims, P. Kadwani, C.C. Willis, J.D. Bradford, Z. Roth, A.J. Pung, M.K. Poutous, E.G. Johnson, M.C. Richardson
SPIE Laser Technology for Defense and Security VIII, paper: 8381-35, Baltimore (USA)
"Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Moisture Monitoring in Food"
Yuan Liu, Matthieu Baudelet, Martin Richardson
Pittcon 2012, Orlando, FL, USA; 03/11, 2012
"Localized High Power RF Generation at Large Distances Using Self-Channeled Laser Beams"
M. Richardson
NCMR Technical Review, Monterey, CA, 4-5 December 2012
"Low-Crosstalk Few-Mode Multi-core Fiber for High-Mode-Density Space-Division Multiplexing"
C. Xia, R. Amezcua-Correa, N. Bai, E. Antonio-Lopez, D. May-Arriojo, A. Schülzgen, M. Richardson, J. Linares, C. Montero, E. Mateo, X. Zhou, and G. Li
European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC 2012, paper: Mo.1.F.5, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
"Modal Properties of Photonic Crystal Fiber for High Power 2 Micron Fiber Laser Systems"
A. Schülzgen, C. Jollivet Salvin, R. A. Sims, P. Kadwani, L. Shah, M. Richardson, R. Amezcua Correa, T. T. Alkeskjold, and L. Leick
SPIE Laser Technology for Defense and Security VIII, paper: 8381-4, Baltimore (USA)
"Multispectral optical tweezers for molecular diagnostics of single biological cells"
C. Butler, S. Fardad, A. Sincore, M. Baudelet, M. C. Richardson
Pittcon, abstract 710-3 (2012)
"Q-switched thulium doped photonic crystal fiber laser as a a source for nonlinear generation"
P. Kadwani, N. Modsching, R.A. Sims, L. Leick, J Broeng, L. Shah, M. Richardson
CLEO: Science and Innovations, paper CTu2M.6, Baltimore (USA)
"182 nJ All Thulium Fiber CPA System"
R. Sims, P. Kadwani, L. Shah, and M. C. Richardson
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - CLEO, paper JWA31
"All Thulium Fiber CPA System with 107 fs Pulse Duration and 42 nm Bandwidth,"
R. Sims, P. Kadwani, L. Shah, and M. C. Richardson
Advanced Solid State Photonics - ASSP, paper ATuD4 Istanbul (Turkey)
"Atmospheric gas detection using broadband mid-IR thulium fiber-based sources"
P. Kadwani, R. Sims, L. Shah, M. C. Richardson, J. Chia, and F. Al Tal
SPIE DSS, Orlando, FL, USA
"Atmospheric propagation testing using broadband thulium fiber systems"
P. Kadwani, R. Sims, M. Baudelet, L. Shah, and M. C. Richardson
Fiber Laser Applications, Optical Society of America, Istanbul, Turkey
"Combination of LIBS and Raman for food quality monitoring"
Y. Liu, L. Gigant, M. Koehler, M. Baudelet, and M. C. Richardson
North-American Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy 2011; Clearwater, FL, USA
"Combination of LIBS and Raman for food quality monitoring"
Y. Liu, Lionel Gigant, M. Baudelet, and M. C. Richardson
SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, Orlando, FL, USA
"Far-UV LIBS for biological and organic samples"
K. Lim, J. Eichenholz, M. Baudelet, and M. C. Richardson
SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, Orlando, FL, USA
"Femtosecond laser direct written computer generated holograms"
R. Berlich, S. Nolte, and M. C. Richardson
CLEO/Europe-EQEC, Munich, Germany, 22-26 May
"Generation and amplification of femtosecond pulses in Tm:fiber"
R. Sims, P. Kadwani, L. Shah, and M. C. Richardson
SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, Orlando, FL, USA
"Measurement of wavefront distortions resulting from incidence of high-power 2 um laser light"
Christina C.C. Willis, Joshua Bradford, Lawrence Shah, and Martin C. Richardson
CLEO:2011 - Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)
"New generation of compact femtosecond system for laser-based detection and identification of biological materials"
K. Lim, Y. Liu, M. Baudelet, E. Slobodtchikov, P. Moulton, A. Miziolek, and M. C. Richardson
SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, Orlando, FL, USA
"Next generation high power OPCPA femtosecond laser systems"
B. Webb, A. Vaupel, M. Hemmer, N. Bodnar, and M. C. Richardson
Directed Energy Professional Society 9th annual Ultrashort Laser Workshop In Santa Fe, NM, USA, June
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