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"2 um fiber lasers"
L. Shah, R.A. Sims, P. Kadwani, C. Gaida, M. Gebhardt, J. Bradford, A. Sincore, C. Willis, M. Richardson
International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging , Conference 1: High power lasers and applications
"Analyse quantitative par spectroscopie de plasma induit par laser (LIBS): de l’analyse spectrale a l’analyse de traces"
Y. Liu, C. Jeon, M. Richardson, and M. Baudelet
Spectr’Atom 2013; Mont-Tremblant, QC, Canada; June 27
"CW Tm:fiber lasers for THz generation"
L. Shah, K. Vodopyanov, P. Schunemann, J Bradford, A. Sincore, and M. Richardson
International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging, Beijing, China, June
"Determination of elemental nutritional status in man by LIBS interrogation of in situ tissues"
C. J. Frederickson, C. Frederickson, D. Rusak, C. Jeon, M. Richardson and M. Baudelet
NASLIBS , Milwaukee, WI, USA, September 29
"Femtosecond generation of nano-fibers"
M. Richardson, M. Ramme, A. Royon, T. Cardinal, and L. Canioni
Cargese International School on Ultrafast laser Modification of Materials,
Cargese April 15-19, Corsica, France
"Laser stand-off sensing technologies"
M. Richardson, M. Baudelet, M. Sigman, and A. Miziolek
Indo-US Workshop on Spectroscopy: Application to National Security, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, January 18-20
"Recent studies of air filamentation"
M. Richardson, et al.
Workshop on "Fundamentals and Applications of Laser Filaments" April 4th - 6th, Institute for Molecular Science (IMS), Okazaki, Japan
"Remote plasmas produced by laser filaments"
M. Richardson, R. Bernath, M. Weidmann, N. Barbieri, K. Lim, M. Durand and M. Baudelet
ICON/LAT 2013, Section on Ultrafast diagnostics in laser research, Moscow, Russia June 16-22
"Thomson scattering from aluminum laser plasmas in air"
Y. Liu, B. Bousquet, M. Richardson, and M. Baudelet
NASLIBS ; Milwaukee, WI, USA, September 29
"Transparent ceramics- A game-changer for lasers"
M. Richardson, and R. Gaume
PARSHURAM B GANPULE MEMORIAL AWARD LECTURE, 76th Annual Session of Indian Ceramic Society, International Conference on New Era in Glass & Ceramics (NEGC ), Ahmedabad, 18-19th January
"Fifty years of LIBS and no limits for analysis"
M. Baudelet, Y. Liu, M. Weidman, M. E. Sigman, M. Richardson
SciX 2012; Kansas City, MO, USA; 10/02, 2012 INVITED
"Long range projection of high energy densities with laser filamentation and selected interaction studies"
M. Richardson, M. Durand, M. Baudelet, M. Weidman, N. Barbieri, R. Bernath, K. Lim
15th DEPS Annual Directed Energy Symposium , Albuquerque, Nov 27-29, 2012
"Microwave-assisted LIBS: Signal enhancement and beyond"
Yuan Liu, Matthieu Baudelet, Martin Richardson
SciX 2012; Kansas City, MO, USA; 10/02, 2012 INVITED
"Multispectral optical tweezers for molecular diagnostics of single biological cells"
C. Butler, S. Fardad, A. Sincore, M. Vangheluwe, M. Baudelet, M.C. Richardson
SPIE Photonics West (2012)
"Progress on Tm-doped fiber lasers"
L. Shah, A. Sims, P. Kadwani, J.D. Bradford, C.C. Willis, M. Richardson
Specialty Optics Fibers - SOF, paper STu4F.1, Colorado Springs (USA)
"Stand-off chemical and biological sensing"
M. Richardson, M. Baudelet, M. Sigman, and A. Miziolek
Frontiers in Optics 2012, Laser Science XXVIII, Rochester, NY, USA. Invited presentation (14-18 October 2012) INVITED
"Stand-off LIBS – The status today and the future"
Martin Richardson, Matthieu Baudelet, Michael Sigman and Andrzej Miziolek
LIBS 2012; Luxor, Egypt; 09/29 – 10/04, 2012 INVITED
"The ARO MURI Program on Air Filamentation Science"
M. Richardson, J. Diels, A. Aceves, L. Arissian, M. Baudelet, E. Johnson, Z. Chang, N. Litchinitser, T. Seideman, X. Zhang, and R. Hammond
COFIL 2012, Tucson, AZ, USA. Invited presentation (08 October 2012) INVITED
"The ARO MURI Program on Air Filamentation Science"
Martin Richardson, Jean-Claude Diels, Alejandro Aceves, Ladan Arissian, Matthieu Baudelet, Eric Johnson, Zenghu Chang, Natalia Litchinitser, Tamar Seideman, Xie-Cheng Zhang, Richard Hammond
COFIL 2012; Tucson, AZ, USA; 10/08, 2012
"The ARO MURI Program on Air Filamentation Science After One Year"
Martin Richardson, Jean-Claude Diels, Alejandro Aceves, Ladan Arissian, Matthieu Baudelet, Eric Johnson, Zenghu Chang, Natalia Litchinitser, Tamar Seideman, Xie-Cheng Zhang, Richard Hammond
10th annual ultrashort pulse laser workshop, Directed Energy Professional Society; Broomfield, CO, USA; 06/12, 2012 INVITED