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"Laser Materials Processing and the Future"
Martin Richardson
CLEO- Pacific Rim, Busan, Korea, September
"Laser Resonators and Amplifiers"
Martin Richardson
24th International SAOT Workshop on Lasers, Design, Modeling and Simulation of Lasers and Amplifiers, Erlangen, Germany
"Light and our Photonics Future"
M.C. Ricahrdson
International Scientific Spring(ISS) National Centre for Physics (NCP), Quaid-i-Azam University Campus, Islamabad, 16-20 March
"New Lasers for Laser Medicine"
Martin Richardson
ASLMS Annual Conference, Orland, March
"Photonics and the Changing Energy Scene"
Martin Richardson
Jefferson Lecture to the National Academy of Sciences & the Dept. of State, Washington DC
"Resonantly Pumped Amplification in a Thulium-doped Photonic Crystal Fiber"
Alex Sincore, Lawrence Shah, Mateusz Wysmolek, Robert Ryan, Ali Abdulfattah, and Martin C. Richardson
CLEO- Pacific Rim, Busan, Korea, September
"Education in plasma spectrochemistry via LIBS for high school and undergraduate students at the Townes Laser Insititute"
M. Baudelet, M. Gaume, M. Richardson, M. Chun, B. Seesahai, Y. Liu, C. Jeon
NASLIBS at SciX 2014 Reno, Nevada
"Filament Propagation through Aerosols"
Cheonha Jeon, Danielle Harper, Khan Lim, Magali Durand, Mike Chini, Matthieu Baudelet, Martin Richardson
5th Int. Symp. on Filamentation, Shanghai, September 20-23
"From femtosecond laser-materials processing to 3-D printing – laser-based technologies that will transform manufacturing"
Martin Richardson, Ilya Mingareev, Stefan Nolte, Andreas Tuennermann, Ingomar Kelbassa, Reinhart Poprawe
Plenary talk at 15th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM2014). June 17-20, Vilnius, Latvia
"Innovations towards extending LIBS technologies"
Martin Richardson, Matthieu Baudelet, Yuan Liu, Michael Sigman, and Romain Gaume
8th Int. Conf. on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS 2014), Tsinghua University, Beijing, September 8-12
"Laser filamentation in air"
Martin Richardson, Magali Durand, Matthieu Baudelet, Nicholas Barbieri, Michael Chini, Khan Lim, Cheonha Jeon, Natalia Litchinitser, Zhaxylyk Kudyshev, Scott Will, Zachary Roth, Eric Johnson
Optical Society of Korea, Summer Meeting, Jeju Island, Korea, August
"LIBS Methods for Determination of Elemental Nutritional Status From Fingernails In Situ”, "
Frederickson, Christopher J; Frederickson, Cathy J; Manton, William I; Rehse, Steve; Jeon, Cheonha; Richardson, Martin; Baudelet, Matthieu
SciX 2014; Reno, NV; 09/30,2014
"Light filament based free space metamaterials components"
Natalia M. Litchinitser, Zhaxylyk Kudyshev, Scott Will, Martin Richardson
SPIE Optics & Photonics Conference San Diego, August
"Modeling Mode Instabilities In High Power Fiber Amplifiers"
Zeinab Sanjabi Eznaveh, Gisela Lopez Galmiche, Martin Richardson, and Rodrigo Amezcua
Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2014), paper LM3C.3, Cancun Mexico 16–21 November 2014
"Multiple wavelengths interacting in a filament"
Jean-Claude Diels, Ladan Arissian, Magali Durand, Matthieu Baudelet, Martin Richardson
5th Int. Symp. on Filamentation, Shanghai, September 20-23
"Nonlinear Radiation Effects with Filaments - Inside and Outside"
M. Richardson, M. Durand, M. Baudelet, N. Barbieri, M. Chini, K. Lim, C. Jeon, N. Litchinitser, Z. Kudyshev, S. Will, Z. Roth, and E. Johnson
Frontiers in Optics 2014; San Jose, CA October 18-22
"Quantitative line assignment in optical emission spectroscopy"
Baudelet, Matthieu; Seesahai, Brandon; Liu, Yuan; Jeon, Cheonha; Richardson, Martin; Sigman, Michael; Chappell, Jessica
SciX 2014; Reno, NV; 09/29,2014
"Quantitative line assignment in optical emission spectroscopy”, "
Jessica Chappell, Brandon Seesahai, Yuan Liu, Cheonha Jeon, Martin Richardson, Michael E. Sigman, Matthieu Baudelet
Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition 2014; Palm Harbor, FL; 05/10, 2014
"Spectrum and Polarization of the White-Light Supercontinuum"
Michael Chini, Khan Lim, Magali Durand, Matthieu Baudelet, Martin Richardson, Shermineh Rostami, Ladan Arissian, and Jean-Claude Diels
5th Int. Symp. on Filamentation, Shanghai, Sept 20-23, 2014
"The Next Generation of Filaments – Engineered Structures of Filaments"
Nicholas Barbieri, Khan Lim, Magali Durand, Matthieu Baudelet, Martin Richardson, Zahra Hosseinimakerem, Eric Johnson, Zhaxylyk Kudyshev, Scott Will, Natalia Litchinitser
5th Int. Symp. on Filamentation, Shanghai, September 20-23