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"Chalcogenide fibers for improved reliability of active infrared sensing systems"
J. Cook, A. Sincore, F. Tan, A. El Halawany, A. Riggins, L. Shah, A.F. Abouraddy, M.C. Richardson, and K.L. Schepler
SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing, Orlando, FL, April 15 – 19
"HEL laser testing on the UCF TISTEF laser range"
R. Crabbs, R. Philips, and M.C. Richardson
DEPS Science & Technology Symposium, Oxnard, CA
"Synthesis of broadband space-time diffraction-free wave packets using transmissive phase plates"
M. Yessenov, H. E. Kondakci, M. Meem, D. Reyes, D. Thul, S. Rostami Fairchild, M. Richardson, R. Menon, and A. F. Abouraddy
FiO 2018, Washington, DC, Sept. 16–20, 2018
"The Laser Plasma Laboratory"
M.C. Richardson
Lockheed Martin Corp, Orlando, FL
"High power 2053 nm transmission through single-mode chalcogenide fiber"
A. Sincore, J. Cook, F. Tan, A. El Halawany, A. Riggins, L. Shah, A. F. Abouraddy, M. Richardson, K. Schepler
OSA Laser Congress, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, 1 - 5 October 2017
"Laser induced glass-ceramics for GRIN applications"
L. Sisken, M. Melvin, I. Mingareev, M.C. Richardson, C. Rivero-Baleine, and K.A. Richardson
12th PacRim meeting of the American Ceramic Society and Glass and Optical Materials Division, Kona Hawaii
"Quelques réflexions et idées sur le choix de votre carrière après l'école doctoral"
M. Richardson
Seminar given to the SPI Doctorale Day, University of Bordeaux, March 1
"Hybridized fabrication of robust low-loss multimaterial chalcogenide fibers for infrared applications"
S. Shabahang, F. Tan, J. Perlstein, G. Tao, M. Algarni, Y. Bai, O. Alvarez, G. Tsvid, C. K. N. Patel; F. Chenard, K. L. Schepler, and A. F. Abouraddy
CLEO, San Jose, CA, June
"Influence of wavelength and temperature on nanosecond pulse amplification in Tm:fiber"
S. Gausmann, A. Abdulfattah, A. Sincore, J. Bradford, L. Shah, and M.C. Richardson
SPIE Defense, Sensing and Security, Baltimore, MD, April
"Robust low-loss multimaterial chalcogenide fiber for infrared applications fabricated by a hybridized approach"
S. Shabahang, F.A. Tan, J. Perlstein, G. Tao, M. al Garni, Y. Bai, O. Alvarez, F. Chenard, K.L. Schepler, and A.F. Abouraddy
OSA Photonics & Fiber Technology Congress, Australian Conference of Optical Fiber Technology, Syndey, Australia, September
"Study of matrix effects for reproducible LIBS analysis of powders"
M. Baudelet, S.J. Pandey, R. Locke, B. Seesahai, R.M. Gaume, and M.C. Richardson
Pittcon, Atlanta GA, March
"Volume Bragg gratings for 2-micron laser systems"
V. Smirnov, O. Mokhun, A.L. Glebov, L.B. Glebov, A. Sincore, J. Bradford, L. Shah, and M.C. Richardson.
SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February
"Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Laser-Based Short-Wavelength Plasma Sources"
Homaira Parchamy, John Szilagyi, Majid Masnavi, Martin Richardson
CLEO- Pacific Rim, Busan, Korea, September
"Interaction between a Single Water Droplet and a Laser Filament"
Cheonha Jeon, Danielle Harper, Khan Lim, Magali Durand, Michael Chini, Matthieu Baudelet, Martin Richardson
CLEO- Pacific Rim, Busan, Korea, September
"Material response of semiconductors irradiated with IR ultrashort laser pulses"
Ilya Mingareev, Mark Ramme, Martin Richardson
CLEO- Pacific Rim, Busan, Korea, September
"Quantitative evaluation of interferences in optical emission spectroscopy: towards quantitative line assignment"
M. Baudelet, J. Chappell, B. Seesahai, M.C. Richardson, M.E. Sigman
Pittcon 2015; New Orleans, LA; 03/09
"Compact 10 TW laser to generate multi-filament arrays"
B. Webb, J. Bradford, K. Lim, N. Bodnar, A. Vaupel, E. Mckee, M. Baudelet, M. Durand, L. Shah, M. Richardson
CLEO Science and Innovation 2014, paper SM1F.6
"Compact 10 TW laser to generate multi-filament arrays"
Benjamin Webb, Joshua Bradford, Khan Lim, Nathan Bodnar, Andreas Vaupel, Erik McKee, Matthieu Baudelet, Magali M Durand, Lawrence Shah, Martin Richardson
Frontiers in Optics 2014; San Jose, CA; 10/18-22, 2014.
"Filament Interaction with Micro-Water Droplets"
Cheonha Jeon, Magali Durand, Matthieu Baudelet, Martin Richardson
CLEO 2014; San Jose, CA; 06/10, 2014.
"Measurements of the impact of polarization on filaments and the associated supercontinuum"
S. Rostami, M. Chini, K. Lim, M. Durand, M. Baudelet, J. M. Diels, M. Richardson, and L. Arissian
Frontiers in Optics 2014; San Jose, CA; 10/18-22, 2014. Post-deadline presentation
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