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"Conversion efficiencies from laser-produced Kr, Mo, Gd, and Tb plasmas at 6.XX nm"
H. Parchamy, M. Mueller, J. Szilagyi Y. Jang, M.C. Richardson, M. Masnavi
SPIE Advanced Lithography V, paper 9048-82, San Jose, CA, February
"Conversion efficiencies of laser – produced Sn plasma EUV light source"
M. Masnavi, J. Szilagyi, H. Parchamy, M. Mueller, M.C. Richardson
SPIE Advanced Lithography V, paper 9048-79, San Jose, CA, February
"Direct measurement of thermal lensing in GaAs induced by 100 W Tm:fiber laser"
Joshua D. Bradford, Konstantin L. Vodopyanov, Peter G. Schunemann, Lawrence Shah, Martin C. Richardson
SPIE Photonics West, LASE. San Francisco, CA, paper 8964-43
"Helical filaments"
N. Barbieri, Z. Hosseinimakarem, K. Lim, M. Durand, B. Webb, J. Bradford, E. McKee, N. Bodnar, L. Shah, M. Baudelet, E. Johnson, M. Richardson
CLEO-QELS Fundamental Science 2014, paper FTu3D.6
"Mid-IR peak power scaling in a ZGP OPO, pumped by a Tm:fiber MOPA system"
Martin Gebhardt, Christain Gaida, Pankaj Kadwani, Lawrence Shah & Martin Richardson
SPIE Photonics West, Conf. 8964-54, San Francisco, January
"Post-processing of 3D-printed parts using femtosecond and picosecond laser radiation"
Ilya Mingareev, Nils Gehlich, Wilhelm Meiners, Ingomar Kelbassa, Tim Biermann, & Martin Richardson
SPIE Photonics West, Conf. 8970-24, San Francisco, January
"Potential of solid state laser-driven EUV sources for HVM lithography"
M.C. Richardson, M. Masnavi, L. Shah, J. Szilagyi, J.D. Bradford, H. Parchamy, N. Bodnar, Y. Jang
SPIE Advanced Lithography V 2014, paper 9048-77
"Thomson scattering of laser-induced plasma in air"
Y. Liu, B. Bousquet, M. Richardson, and Matthieu Baudelet
Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry; Amelia Island, FL, USA; January 07
"Thulium fiber laser and application development"
L. Shah, C. Gaida, M. Gebhart, A. Sincore, J.D. Bradford, N. Gehlich, I. Mingareev, M. Richardson
SPIE Laser Technology for Defense and Security X 2014, paper 9091-0H
"Utilizing the transparency of semiconductors via backside machining with a nanosecond 2 µm Tm:fiber laser"
Nils Gehlich, Tobias Bonhoff, Laura Sisken, Mark Ramme, Christian Gaida, Martin Gebhardt, Ilya Mingareev, Lawrence Shah & Martin Richardson
SPIE Photonics West, Conf. 8968-32, San Francisco, January
"Blueshifted continuum peaks from filamentation in the anomalous dispersion regime"
K. Lim, M. Durand, V. Jukna, E. McKee, M. Baudelet, A. Houard, M. Richardson, A. Mysyrowicz, and A. Couairon
Frontiers in optics , Orlando, FL, USA, October 10
"Distribution of photo-thermal heating and effects in chalcogenide glass"
L. Sisken, J. Bradford, P. Wachtel, B. Gleason, D. Musgraves, L. Shah, M. Richardson, and K. Richardson
Frontiers in Optics, paper FTh4E.1
"Filamentation of Laser Light in Air"
M. Richardson
South East Section, APS, 80th Annual Meeting, Bowling Green, KY, Nov 17
"Meta-optics transforms laser filamentation studies"
M. Richardson, N. Barbieri, M. Durand, M. Baudelet, E. Johnson, Z. Hosseinimakarem, N. Litchinitzer, Z. Kudyshev and R. Hammond
OSA Incubator Workshop Structured Light in Structured Media, Washington DC, Nov 17th
"Nanosecond Tm:fiber MOPA system for high peak power mid-IR generation in a ZGP OPO"
M. Gebhardt, C. Gaida, P. Kadwani, A. Sincore, N. Gerlich, L. Shah, and M. Richardson
Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources, paper MW3B.2
"Optimization of multi-pass amplifiers in TW-class Ti:sapphire chirped pulse amplification systems"
B. Webb, J. Bradford, K. Lim, L. Shah, M. Richardson
Laser Science, paper FM3A.3
"Scaling bottlenecks in Thulium-doped fiber lasers"
A. Sincore, R. A. Sims, C. Gaida, P. Kadwani, M. Gebhardt, L. Shah, and M. Richardson
Frontiers in Optics, paper FM3A.3
"Shack-Hartmann thermal lensing characterization of mid-IR materials"
J.D. Bradford, C.C.C. Willis, S. Danto, L. Shah, J.D. Musgraves, K. Richardson, and M. Richardson
Frontiers in Optics , paper FTh1F.5
"Thomson scattering from aluminum laser plasmas in air"
Y. Liu, B. Bousquet, M. Richardson, and M. Baudelet
Frontiers in optics , Orlando, FL, USA, October 10
"Une vie avec des lasers"
M. Richardson
Presentation made to the University of Bordeaux 1, on the award of the Docteur Honoris Causa, University of Bordeaux1, Talence, France, Dec. 6
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